

課程類別: 語文學習
課程名稱: 華語個人班 - 郭文煕
班 別: 非學分班
學分數: 0.0
上課時數: 2.0
上課時間: 二,四
起始日期: 2024/4/2
結束日期: 2024/7/31
師資介紹: 華語中心專業老師
課程狀態: 未開班
備  註: Class times:

1.50 minutes per class, at least 2 hours per week , with a 10 minute break between each class.
2.Individual Class times may be chosen between Mon and Fri, 8:10 am-5:00 pm; for class times, please inquire further for more details.
3.Once class has started, the scheduled time may not be altered and there must be notification in advance if missing class.
4.In case of government announcements that cancel school and work, natural disasters, no refund will be given.

Missing Classes:

1. Please inform the MLC office about your absence one day before the class is scheduled.
If you plan to be absent, you cannot ask someone else to take the class in your place.
If students give the notice on the class day, there will be no make-up class.
If your class is a 2 to 1 class, one student cannot reschedule class when others do not.
You may ask for a leave of absence together as a group.
2. If the absence notice is within the stated guidelines, students can arrange another class time with the teacher, but refunds will not be offered.
3. There will be no refunds if a students absence has exceeded the defined absence limit in the absence regulations.

□ Refund Policy:

If a student wishes to end the class early for any reason, the following applies:

Refund Refund Period
Refund 90% → Already registered but before class has begun
Refund 50% → Attended 1/3 of the classes
No Refund → Attended over 1/3 of the classes
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 建國校區(大夏館)
地  址: 台北市大安區建國南路二段231號
電  話: (02)2700-5858;0800-008918
課程介紹: The MLC provides fully equipped facilities and a great atmosphere and study environment for international students.