

課程類別: 法律實務
班級名稱: 陽明交大科法所碩士學分班
課程名稱: 2024陽明交大科法所碩士學分班春季班:跨國商務交易與爭端解決 (英文授課)
班 別: 碩士學分班
學分數: 2.0
上課時數: 36.0
起始日期: 2024/2/21
結束日期: 2024/6/5
師資介紹: 陳在方學歷:美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校法學院博士任職:陽明交通大學科技法律研究所副教授兼科技法律研究所所長施明遠學歷:美國印第安納大學麥肯尼法學博士任職:陽明交通大學科技法律研究所副教授
課程狀態: 結業
備  註:
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 線上課程
地  址: 新竹市東區
電  話:
相關鏈結: http://course.law.nycu.edu.tw/w_news.php
課程介紹: The course is designed to teach understanding of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) as well as international commercial arbitration. In addition, the course aims to train lawyering skills with a view to prepare students to participate in Annual Willem C. Vis (East) international Commercial Arbitration Moot competition. Traditional legal education does not provide adequate training on lawyering skills, such as research, legal argumentation, legal persuasive writing, as well as efficient and effective oral communications with the adjudicating tribunals with regard to international business transactions. This course intends to fill the gap. Through the course students will understand the functions and practices of international commercial arbitral tribunals adjudicating issues governed by the CISG.

In addition to the materials in the assigned textbook, students will be required to prepare the Vis Moot problem of the year. A moot court exercise will be conducted at the end of the semester.

The main topics to be covered in the course:
1. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
2. International Commercial Arbitration
3. Legal Advocacy