

課程類別: 法律實務
班級名稱: 陽明交大科法所碩士學分班
課程名稱: 2024陽明交大科法所碩士學分班春季班:美國契約法 (英文授課)
班 別: 碩士學分班
學分數: 3.0
上課時數: 54.0
起始日期: 2024/2/20
結束日期: 2024/6/4
師資介紹: 倪貴榮學歷:英國愛丁堡大學法學博士任職:陽明交通大學科技法律研究所教授陳在方學歷:美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校法學院博士任職:陽明交通大學科技法律研究所副教授兼科技法律研究所所長
課程狀態: 結業
備  註:
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 陽明交大新竹光復校區
地  址: 新竹市東區大學路1001號
電  話:
相關鏈結: http://course.law.nycu.edu.tw/w_news.php
課程介紹: 課程概述與目標:
Contract law is the foundation of US legal studies, which is a key part of the first-year curriculum in every US law school. As the instructor adopts (simplified) Socratic method, the course will be interesting for students who would like to experience a US law school style classroom (adjusted somewhat for local conditions, of course). A full understanding of the contract law is essential for every student who plans to have a career in international transaction practices. It will be helpful for students who plan to take on the challenge of attending US law schools in the future.
This course adopts US style case method. To elaborate, the instructor will adopt the Socratic method utilized in the US law school to help students focus on case law and truly understand the legal principles contained in the leading contract law cases through inquiring and discussion. The instructor will allow pass if needed. In order to make this method work, students are expected to read carefully the assigned materials in preparation for the course. As the instructor adopts the case method, he will not spend much time of each class, if at all, on the explaining of the doctrinal rules of the contract case. The understanding of the principles will be formed through discussion and developed by students independently.
(a) The major goal of the course is to introduce important contract principles, major themes, and leading cases in this field. The major themes will include 1. The legal significance of promise making, 2. Consideration requirement, 3. Contract formation, 4. The obligation to perform, 5. The bargaining process, 6. Contract interpretation, and 7. Remedies for breach.
(b) By adopting (simplified) Socratic method, the instructor also aims to introduce the (adopted) US-style law school classroom to participating students. The goals of this aspect of the course are to allow students to be familiar with US-style law teaching, including the class discussion, the case method, the memo writing, and the ability to think like a lawyer.
The Expected Results of the Course: Students will be able to be familiar with the major contract law principles and leading cases.