

課程類別: 音樂學習
課程名稱: 美國音樂Ⅰ
班 別: 學士學分班
學分數: 2.0
上課時數: 36.0
起始日期: 2023/9/13
結束日期: 2024/1/10
師資介紹: 邦恩莎
課程狀態: 結業
備  註:
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 關渡校本部
地  址: 台北市北投區學園路1號藝術資源暨推廣教育中心
電  話: 02-28961000#2803
連絡人: 呂佩珣
email: hjhuang@aaa.tnua.edu.tw
相關鏈結: https://aaa.tnua.edu.tw/course/5961
課程介紹: Allowing students to have at least one performance experience using these instruments. The repertoire for these beginning students consists of various styles including calpyso (Trinidadian ), reggae (Jamaican), Latin , pop, jazz and classical. The aims for the students of the advanced steel drum class (steel Drum A) is 1) to further develop technique (build speed, clarity and endurance); 2) to choose one of the five types of steel drums as a specialization (being familiar enough with the pattern of notes to sight-read effectively ); 3) to have an opportunity for arranging or composing for the steel drum band; section of N.I.A. The repertoire also includes diverse styles as listed above, but the pieces are longer and more complicated.