

課程類別: 教育類
班級名稱: 113-2網路學習科技究所碩士學分班
課程名稱: 數位學習研究方法
班 別: 碩士學分班
學分數: 3.0
上課時數: 54.0
起始日期: 2025/2/17
結束日期: 2025/6/20
師資介紹: 中央大學網學所-吳穎沺教授授課
課程狀態: 招生中
備  註: 因報名人數不足,採隨班附讀方式辦理
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 國立中央大學
地  址: 桃園市中壢區中大路300號
電  話: 03-4227151#57166
連絡人: 蔡宛螢
email: candytsai@ncu.edu.tw
課程介紹: This course is designed for graduate students to provide an introduction to research methods in e-learning. In this course, we will discuss basic conception of educational research and e-learning. Also, important research methods frequently used in e-learning research (including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods) will be introduced. Moreover, the students who take this course will learn about each step in the process of educational research in e-learning, including formulating research problem, literature review, generating research questions and hypotheses, research design, data collection and analyses, drawing findings and conclusions, and they are expected to complete a research proposal at the end of the semester.“