

課程類別: 教育類
課程名稱: AI英語寫作
班 別: 非學分班
學分數: 0.0
上課時數: 24.0
上課時間: 每週二,晚間6:30~9:15
起始日期: 2024/9/3
結束日期: 2024/10/29
師資介紹: Tom
課程狀態: 招生中
備  註: 課程進度(僅供參考,每期由授課教師稍做調整)
第1週 What AI tools are available—for free? | How can we use them?
Proofreading and editing | generating ideas
第2週 Getting an AI tool to do what you want: writing effective prompts for different purposes
Text messages | email
第3週 Recognizing good and bad writing
Principles of good prose: paragraph organization
Topic sentences
Interested vs. disinterested readers
第4週 Principles of good prose: sentence focus
Supporting sentences
第5週 Principles of good prose: Continuity/ coherence
Connective words and phrases: good vs. blah
第6週 Principles of good prose: nominal and verbal sentences
Passive voice vs. active voice
Essay organization
第7週 Principles of good prose: parallel structure
Introductions and conclusions: letters vs. essays
第8週 Principles of good prose: variety
Complex yet shapely sentences
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 臺灣大學語文中心
地  址: 台北市大安區羅斯福路4段1號文學院語文中心
電  話: (02)2363-0550/(02)3366-3419
email: ntulc@ntu.edu.tw
相關鏈結: https://www.ntulc.ntu.edu.tw/course?id=1759
課程介紹: This course will introduce the effective use of Al tools to improve the quality of students' writing and develop their writing skills. Students will learn what free Al tools are available and the various ways in which they can be used, including generating ideas and outlines, proofreading and editing their writing, and writing effective prompts to guide Al tools and tailor works to their own specifications. The course will also introduce principles of writing style so students can distinguish better outcomes from worse, and give students practice in writing text messages, email, expository paragraphs, and persuasive and technical essays.