

課程類別: 商業、管理及法律類
班級名稱: 陽明交大科法所碩士學分班
課程名稱: 2024陽明交大科法所碩士學分班秋季班:美國上市公司法(英文授課)
班 別: 碩士學分班
學分數: 2.0
上課時數: 36.0
上課時間: 10:10-12:00 AM
起始日期: 2024/9/8
結束日期: 2024/12/22
師資介紹: 施明遠
課程狀態: 上課中
備  註:
上課類別: 本校校區
上課地點: 線上課程
地  址: 新竹市東區
電  話:
相關鏈結: https://course.law.nycu.edu.tw/w_news.php
課程介紹: This class is an 11-week online, asynchronous course starting on September 1, 2024 and ending after 12 weeks (with one week break).

This course will focus on the practical, theoretical, legal, and business context of publicly traded corporations. Specific topics and coverage will include directors’ fiduciary duties, shareholder enforcement of these duties, disclosure obligations, insider trading, shareholder voting, and some public company M&A. We may also consider relevant current events. Throughout the course we will be looking at ways business lawyers can create value for their clients. Although economic analysis will occasionally be a part of the course, no economic background is needed.

Students in this class will include Indiana University McKinney School of Law students and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law students.

At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to do the following:
1. Identify and formulate legal issues and theories that would apply in numerous common situations relating to public companies;
2. Recognize the various business motivations that drive business decision making and the role, work, and ethical considerations of an attorney in this context;
3. Exhibit working knowledge of and be able to compare the various US laws that affect public companies;
4. Use sound research methods to analyze various problems related to public companies; and
5. Deliver strategic advice to clients regarding various situations relating to public companies.